A stated meeting of Allegheny Councils was held last evening, May 9.
JAMES McBRIER | President |
D. MACFERRON | Clerk pro tem |
This branch was called to order at eight o'clock, by President McBrier, the following members being in attendance:
Messrs. Beilstein, Cochran, Hilke, Huckestine, Megraw, Moul, Omsler, Alexander Patterson, J. C. Patterson, Riddle, Schoyer, Smith, Stuart, Sweeny, Thompson, Wettach, and President McBrier.
The reading of the minutes was dispensed with owing to the absence of the regular clerk.
Petitions, &c.
Mr. Schoyer presented a petition from residents of South avenue, for filling of two ponds in the neighborhood. Referred to Street Committee with power to act.
Mr. Wettach—Petition for opening of street in Seventh Ward, from Quarry street. Referred to Survey Committee.
Mr. Riddle—Remonstrance against the widening of Arch street from Jackson to Ledlie streets. Referred to Street Committee.
Mr. Stuart—Petition for lateral sewer for Middle alley to Arch street. Referred to Street Committee.
Mr. Cochran—Petition for water pipe on High street. Referred to Water Committee.
Mr. J. C. Patterson—Communication from City Engineer asking authority to employ assistants in Making Surveys for streets in the outer districts of the city. Referred to Survey Committee, with power to employ the assistants.
Mr. Moore—Petition for water pipe on Montgomery avenue. Referred to Water Committee.
New Water Pipes.
Mr. Wettach from the Committee on Water, presented a report authorizing the Superintendent of Water to lay water pipes as follows: Augie street Seventh ward, Manhattan street, from Fayette to Page street, and from West Ohio to Rebecca street; also 12 inch main on Lacock street via. School and Rebecca streets to Western avenue.
The Committee also offered a resolution instructing the Finance Committee to take the measures necessary to meet the estimated expense, $20,000, for laying the last named pipe.
Report accepted and resolutions passed finally.
Mr. Riddle, from the Finance Committee, presented a report from the Controller of which the following is a recapitulation of expenditures for the month:
Salaries | $ 1,821 79 |
Fire | 2,604 45 |
Printing | 102 80 |
Streets | 3,652 80 |
Wharves | 96 20 |
Police | 3,390 68 |
Water | 5,402 64 |
Gas | 4,458 10 |
City Property | 739 81 |
Sanitary | 329 40 |
$22,598 67 |
Received and filed.
Mr. Riddle also offered the report of the Committee setting forth that in accordance with instructions they had received proposals and had designated the Allegheny Real Estate and German Savings Banks as the depositories for the "unexpended balances," they having agreed to pay 6 per cent. for the loan.
The committee also presented a resolution instructing the Controller to notify the Board of School Control that all school taxes hereafter would be received at the Treasurer's office in accordance with the act of Assembly recently passed.
The Chair stated that the School Board had elected their Receiver for 1872 and did not consider that this action for the year could be annulled.
Mr. Riddle said it would do no harm to notify them that Councils would insist upon the enforcement of the act.
The report was received and resolutions adopted.
Mr. Riddle also presented an ordinance authorizing the issue of $100,000 in water bonds of $1,000 each, maturing in ten years, to date July 1st, 1872, and to draw 7 per cent. interest, payable July and January.
The ordinance was finally passed.
Also, an ordinance authorizing the issue of sewerage bonds, to an amount not exceeding $20,000, to pay the city's assessments for sewerage improvements for 1872,—similar in amount and other provisions to the water bonds.
Ordinance passed finally.
Also an ordinance fixing the manner of regulating the manner of advertising for and receiving bids for the loan of the unexpended balances, and fixing ten days before the first meeting of Finance Committee in March of each year as the time for receiving the bids.
Ordinance passed finally.
Street Department.
Mr. J. C. Patterson presented the report of the Street Committee with ordinances, which were disposed of as follows:
Ordinance for grading Hamilton street, Seventh ward; passed finally.
Ordinance for grading Forrest street; read three times and passed. For grading Rosedale street, Sixth ward; passed finally. For grading Manhattan street, Sixth ward; passed finally. For grading and paving of Sherman avenue; passed finally. Ordinance amending ordinance for grading and paving Bailiff alley so as to strike out the sidewalk; passed finally. For opening of McDonald alley, Second ward; passed finally. For grading and paving of sidewalks, unpaved portions, on Cedar avenue, Union avenue, Ridge avenue, North avenue; passed finally.
An ordinance for the extension of Spruce from its present terminus to the Ohio river.
Ordinance for widening of Strawberry Lane, and repealing ordinance for widening of the same.
Ordinance for lateral sewer on Spring Garden avenue from Hill street to Vineal street. Passed.
Ordinance for paving and grading of Stockton avenue with a wooden pavement. Laid over
Ordinance for paving and grading Bidwell street. Passed.
Profile of grade of Middle street, and plan of sewer on Spring Garden avenue. Approved.
The report of viewers on Hopkins alley, Troy Hill Road, Allegheny avenue, Return street and Robinson street, was accepted. Report of same on Slope alley was referred back to the viewers. Report on opening Sheffield recommended that the proposed opening be abandoned. Report received.
Mr. Huckenstein, chairman of the Survey Committee report adverse to opening of Kerr street. Report received.
Mr. Huckenstein offered an ordinance for opening Henderson street. Laid over. Also an ordinance for opening of Henry street, which was passed.
Ordinance relating to filing plans of properties located within the city, in the Engineer's officed [sic]. Passed.
Ordinance fixing the salary of Assistant Engineer in charge of streets at $1,800 and Assistant Engineer in charge of sewers at $1,500, was amended by Mr. Magraw so as to make no change in salary of the Engineer in charge of sewers, and then passed. In Common Council, non-concurred, and ordinance adopted as report, ed [sic] by Committee.
Mr. Patterson introduced an ordinance repealing the ordinance for opening Sheffield street. Passed.
The report of viewers on opening of Sheffield was called up, and on motion the viewers were discharged.
Mr. Huckenstein presented a plan of lots laid out by Mr. Andrews.
Mr. Schoyer presented a remonstrance against approval of the plan. Received and plan laid over.
Mr. Thompson, from the Committee on City Property, reported that the committee had effected an insurance in the National Insurance Company on the City Hall to the amount of $20,000, and $15,000 on the Market House, at the rate of one and one-half per cent. for five years. They also presented a plan for the alteration of the City Building; a resolution requesting the Park Commissioners to plant shade trees in the Third ward Diamond square; a resolution authorizing the purchase of a lot on Ohio avenue on which to build an engine house and station house, and a resolution authorizing the committee to place lightning rods on the engine house. Report received and laid over.
Mr. Schoyer offered a resolution that Councils should take the necessary measures to purchase the Gas Works, as provided by act of Assembly. Passed.
On motion of Mr. Smith, it was referred to a committee of five from Common Council and four from Select Council.
Mr. Huckinstein offered a resolution for enlarging of water pipe on Ridge street. Referred.
ALFRED SLACK | President |
At ten minutes to eight o'clock Common Council was called to order, the following gentlemen responding to their names at roll call:
Messrs. Altvater, Brown, Baldinger, Cook, Drexler, Fisher, Gault, Hunker, Hastings, Jones, Knox, McNeil, McDonald, McRoberts, Rigby, Rice, Smith, Stedeford, Tomlinson, Wettach, Walter and President Slack.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Petitions and Resolutions.
Mr. Brown, petition from proprietors of the Central Hotel for gas post in front of the entrance to hotel on North Diamond. Referred to Committee on Gas.
Mr. McNeil, resolution for additional gas posts on Liberty street. Referred to Committee on Streets.
The same gentleman presented a resolution authorzing [sic] the improvement of the wharf in the Eighth ward. Adopted.
Mr. Knox, a resolution for a flag stone crossing at Bidwell street and Western avenue. Committee on Streets.
Mr Drexler, a petition for paving of Cider alley in the Ninth ward. Committee on Streets.
Mr. Hastings, resolution for the purchase of lot and erection of new Engine house for the Fourth ward, and empowering the Committee on City Property to sell Columbia Engine house. Adopted.
Mr. Cooper, resolution for renumbering of Beaver avenue, from Western avenue to its terminus. Committee on Streets.
Mr. Baldinger, petition for sewer on Canal street, Seventh ward. Committee on Streets.
The same gentleman, a petition for water pipe on Canal street. Committee on Streets.
Mr. Smith, resolution for flag stone crossing at Robinson and Corry streets. Street Committee.
Also petition for opening of Strawberry alley. Committee on Surveys.
Mr. Rigby, resolution for gas lamps at North alley and Morton alley.
Mr. Knox, resolution for gas lamps at corner of Juniata street and Ceder [sic] alley. Committee on Streets.
Mr. Rigby, ordinance for appointing viewers for opening of Taylor avenue from Palo Alto street to Webster street.
Mr. Rigby stated that the viewers had been appointed, the report confirmed by Councils, and the papers lost.
The ordinance was passed finally.
Mr. Hastings presented the resignation as member of Council of Mr. T. F. Grubbs.
On motion the resignation was accepted.
Mr. Walter, petition for the completion of grading of the Allegheny wharf in the Eighth ward. Committee on Wharves and Landings.
Mr. McRoberts, petition for water main on River avenue. Committee on Water with power to act.
Mr. Hunker, petition from directors of First ward school, for vacating pavement from Rebecca street to Monument Hill, on School street. Committee on Streets.
Mr. Knox, petition for grading and paving Wayne street. Committee on Streets.
Mr. Hastings, resolution authorizing the Mayor to issue a proclamation for the holding of an election for Councilman from the Second ward, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Grubbs. Adopted.
Mr. Rigby, petition for sewer on Davis alley. Committee on Streets and Sewers.
Mr. Cooke, ordinance relating to the duties of timber measurer. Ordinance Committee.
Mr. Tomlinson, resolution for flag stone crossing at Ohio and Mary streets. Committee on Streets.
Mr. Hastings, resolution for grading of lot in rear of Grant engine house. Adopted.
Mr. Smith, petition for gas pipe on Robinson street, and gas lamp on same street. Gas Committee.
Mr. McDonald, resolution for gas lamp at South Canal street and Madison avenue; also gas lamp at another point on Madison avenue. Committee on Gas.
Mr. Slack, petition for sewer on the first alley west of Monitor street; also for paving and naming of the same. Referred to the Committee on Streets.
The Gas Committee.
Mr Brown presented the report of the Gas Committee, with recommendations for the erection of gas lamps at the following points: Corner of Federal street and River avenue; Leckey and Crighton's alleys; Leckey and Friendship alleys; Montgomery avenue and Herron alley; Lacock street and Race alley; Ridge avenue, between Grant avenue and Rebecca street, two lamps; Greenwood and Beaver avenue; Greenwood street and Laurel alley; Mulberry street; Nixon street and Evans alley; Refuge street; and that the lamp on Esplanade street be removed from its present location to the first alley north of North avenue; additional lamp on Esplanade street; also, that the lamp located near the corner of Beaver and Webster avenues, be removed to the said corner.
A resolution accompanied the report, recommending the laying of gas mains on the continuation of Main street, and also on River avenue, Sixth ward.
The report was received and the resolutions were adopted.
Mr. McDonald presented an ordinance granting like privileges as those enjoyed by the Allegheny Gas Company to the "Light and Heat Gas Company of Allegheny County." Committee on Ordinances.
Market Receipts.
Mr. Knox, chairman of the Market Committee, reported the following:
The reecipts [sic] from markets and weigh scales for the month of April aggregate $2,607 64, as follows:
Duncan Dallas, Clerk of Markets | $2,165 30 |
R. F. White, Weighmaster Second ward scales | 326,39 |
Geo. B. McNulty, Weighmaster Diamond scales | 115 95 |
$2,607 64 |
Ordinances accompanied the report recommending the increase of the salaries of Weighmasters of Second ward and Diamond scales, and fixing the salary of the Inspector of Meat.
The report was received.
Division of Wards.
Mr. Drexler presented the report of the Committee on division of wards, accompanied by an ordinance and plan of such division. [The boundaries of the proposed new wards have already been published in the Gazette.]
Mr. Hastings moved that action on the ordinance be indefinitely postponed. Carried.
Mr. Cooke, an invitation to Councils to participate in the memorial services of Decoration Day, with Post 88, G. A. R.
On motion the communication was received and the invitation accepted.
The Fire Department.
Mr. Hastings, of the Committee on Fire Engines, presented the report of that Committee. The paper embraced the following resolution:
Resolved, That the Committee on Fire Engines be and they are hereby authorized to advertise and receive proposals for a new hose truck to be placed in charge of the Columbia Fire Company.
The Committee also presented an ordinance increasing the salaries of the men employed in Fire Department to the following figures: Foreman, per month, $65.50; Engineers, $71.00; Firemen, drivers and hosemen, $60.00.
The report was received and the resolution adopted.
The ordinance increasing the salaries of the employes of the Department was taken up.
The rules were suspended, and the ordinance passed finally, the ordinance to take effect on the 1st of May.
The Anderson Library.
Mr. Knox presented the reported [sic] of the Committee on Conference on the Anderson Library. It way [sic] the opinion of the majority of the Committee that Councils had no power in the matter, as the Library had passed into the hands of the Board of Control. They recommended a concurrence with S. C. in referring the matter to the Committee on City Property. The report was adopted.
Increase of Salaries.
The ordinance increasing the salaries of the Weighmasters of the Diamond and Second ward scales to $1,000 each, was next taken up, on a motion to adopt.
Mr. McNeil moved to amend by referring back to the Committee on Markets, requesting them to give reasons for the desired increase. He thought $900 per annum for all the time necessary to be given to the duties of the office was sufficient.
The amendment did not prevail.
The ayes and nays were called on the suspension of the rules, and final passage of the ordinance, with the following result:
Yeas—Brown, Baldinger, Cooke, Drexler, Fisher, Gault, Hastings, Jones, Knox, McDonald, Rigby, Rea, Smith, Stedeford, Tomlinson, Wettach and President Slack—17.
Nays—Hunker, McNeill, McRoberts, Walter—4.
The ordinance was therefore passed finally.
Unfinished Business.
Unfinished business was now taken up.
The revised ordinance creating the Board of Health passed on third reading at last meeting was called up.
Mr. McNeil called for the yeas and nays on the ordinance on its final passage.
By common consent the eighth section was amended so as to provide that the undertaker should report the deaths, and
Mr. McNeil withdrew his request for the ayes [sic] and nays.
The ordinance passed finally under a suspension of the rules.
Ordinance changing name of West Ohio street. Adopted in C. C., and in S. C. concurred in change of name of street, and fixing the name of said street from Sherman avenue to extend east to city line. C. C. receded from former action and concurred.
Ordinance changing market day from Friday to Thursday. Rules suspended and passed finally.
Resolution relative to erection of ornamental gas post. Receded from former action and concurred with S. C. in referring to Gas Committee.
Mr. Knox moved to notify Select Council that Common Council were ready to go into an election for Meat Inspector. Carried.
Mr. Walter presented the report of the Health committee. It was reported that eight dollars per week had been allowed to a colored nurse for the care of a patient; also, a number of bills to the amount of $317.90, had been passed upon.
The report was received.
Mr. Tomlinson presented a resolution for gas main on Avery street, from Cedar avenue to North street. Gas Committee.
Mr. Stedeford, a resolution for flag stone crossing on Madison, in front of Grant Engine House, and also on Knoll and James streets.
The hour of ten having arrived, Council adjourned under the rules.