Allegheny Councils held regular monthly meeting last evening in the City Building.
Select Council.
JAMES McBRIER | President. |
J. R. OXLEY | Clerk. |
President McBrier called this branch to order at half past seven o'clock. Present: Messrs. Huckenstem [sic], Hall, Megraw, J. C. Patterson, Heagy, Omsler, Thompson, Reineman, Riddle, Moul, Wittmer, Wettsch and President McBrier.
Minutes read and approved.
Petitions, &c.
Mr. Reineman presented a petition for the opening of Buchanan street. Referred.
Mr. Heagy, petition and remonstrance in relation to opening of Sheffield street. Laid over.
Mr. Riddle, petition for opening Slope alley. Referred.
Also, petition for water pipe on Webster street to Palo Alto street. Referred.
Mr. Huckenstem [sic], petition from the citizens of the Seventh ward asking that the ward be sub-divided into two, or that a portion of the ward be added to Third ward. Referred.
Also petition for opening Henderson street. Referred.
Mr. Riddle offered the report of the Committee on Finance, with resolutions, which were disposed of as noted.
Resolution authorizing payment of $450 to Warner, Carson & Co., for repaving Webster street. Lost.
Resolution authorizing payment of $100 to Charles Failkner [sic] for amount of assessment of two feet of ground on Jackson street for the construction of a sewer. Passed finally.
Resolution for payment of $368.52 to James B. Young for grading and paving of street in front of Westley Chapel. Passed finally.
Resolution for payment of $778 to Jacob H. Walters for costs in different suits in which the city was interested.
Controller's Report.
Mr. Riddle presented the report of the Controller, showing expenditures for the month of October, of which the following is a recapitulation:
Salaries | $1,595.12 |
Fire Department | 2,407.72 |
Streets | 2,484.87 |
Wharves | 94.34 |
Surveys | 489.00 |
Police | 3,614.83 |
Contingent Fund | 94.81 |
Water Works | 2,747.54 |
Gas | 196.39 |
City Property | 3,759.90 |
Total | $17,084.32 |
Report received and the bills ordered to be paid.
New Surveys.
Mr. Heagy, from the Survey Committee, presented the report of that Committee with ordinances which were disposed of as follows:
Ordinance for appointment of viewers on opening of Palo Alto street, from Taylor avenue to Jefferson street. Laid over. Ordinance for opening of Sheffield street, from Beaver avenue to the river. Passed finally.
The Water Supply.
Mr. Wettach, Chairman of the Water Committee, presented a report recommending the purchase of of [sic] a "Lowry Double Plunger Pump," with horizontal engine, for increasing the supply of water. The committee recommended this after a thorough examination of the whole matter. It was capable of lifting 12,000 gallons of water every twenty-four hours. The engine would weigh about 600,000 pounds and would cost 10½ cents per pound for construction. The estimate of cost was as follows:
Engine | $63,000 |
Boilers | 6,000 |
Foundation | 10,000 |
Supervision and royalty in patent | 5,000 |
Total | $94,000 |
The committee reported a resolution authorizing the committee to advertise for proposals and enter into contract for such an engine, boilers, pumps, &c., similar to plans submitted by Mr. Lowry, and authorizing him to supervise the work of erection.
After some discussion the resolution was passed finally.
The Committee also reported a resolution authorizing the laying of water pipes on Spring alley and Superior street, which was passed finally.
The Street Department.
Mr. J. C. Patterson presented the report of the Street Committee.
They reported adversely to changing the name of West Ohio street back to Western avenue, as it was formerly known; also adversely to petition of Charles Zehnder for damages for construction of sewer through his property.
The Committee recommended the passage of the ordinance for a sewer on Arch street, from Jackson street to North avenue.
The Committee also reported ordinances, which (after the report had been received and recommendations adopted) were disposed of as follows:
Ordinance for grading Lombard street; passed finally. Ordinance for sewer on First alley east of Arch street; passed finally.
Mr. Patterson for the Committee also offered the report of viewers on opening of Howard street. Report laid over.
Also, report of viewers on opening of Monterey street. Report confirmed.
Also, report of viewers on opening of Buena Vista street, which occasioned some discussion and was finally referred back to the viewers for a review.
City Property Committee
Mr. Riddell presented the report of the Committee on City Property, asking for a transfer to their appropriation of $5,000. The report was accompanied by a resolution authorizing the transfer which was passed.
Also, resolution authorizing a warrant in favor of the Park Commission for $2638 for improving Third ward square, which was carried.
The "Hospital."
Mr. Megraw presented a communication from the Board of Health asking for an additional appropriation of $2,000 for hospital purposes, etc.
Referred to Finance Committee, with power to act.
The Chair stated the power to act might be added but it didn't amount to anything, as Councils by ordinance would have to make the appropriation.
Mr. Megraw explained that this method was adopted as there were some small bills to pay at once, and the idea was to provide funds for these before the next meetidg [sic] of Councils. An ordinance would be brought in to make the appropriation asked.
Mr. Huckenstein, a resolution for gas lamps on First and Second streets, Third ward. Passed.
City Contracts
Also, a resolution that all contracts hereafter let by a committee authorized by Councils, be let by a majority of the committee to which the businesss [sic] may be referred. Referred to Ordinance Committee with instructions to report ordinance.
Mr. Riddle presented an ordinance to repeal the ordinance, by which the name of Western avenue was changed to West Ohio street. The new ordinance authorized the original nomenclature. Lost.
Another Grass Plot
Also, resolution instructing the City Engineer to report plan for improvement of First ward square similar to the Third ward square, and report estimates of cost—the weigh scales and hay market to be removed to the wharf.
Mr. Megraw said they already had plans for a market house in that square and he thought it would be more profitable to erect that proposed building that decorating it with "little bits of grass plots."
Mr. Huckenstein hoped Councils wouldn't compel people to go away down the wharf to buy hay.
Mr. Riddle thought a hay market in a public place square in the middle of the city was a disgrace; it was not tolerated in any other decent city.
President McBrier concurred in that opinion and thought the weigh scales should be removed.
The resolutions [sic] was then voted down.
Mr. Moul, a resolution instructing the Street Committee to have North Canal street clear of wagons at night. Passed.
ALFRED SLACK | President. |
This branch was called to order at half past seven o'clock, by President Slack.
The minutes of the previous meetings not previously read were read and approved.
Petitions &c.
Mr. Hunker, presented a petition for gas lamp on northwest corner of Federal and Lacock streets. Referred.
Also, petition for grading and paving Beaver street. Referred.
Mr. Walter, a petition calling attention to the use of North Canal street as a depot for unloading of bark, old bones &c., from the West Penn cars and contending that it was a nuisance to the residents in the vicnity [sic] who prayed for relief. In the same connection the gentleman offered an ordinance probiting [sic] the unloading of this freight on the street; also a second ordinance authorizing the property owners to erect a fence on the south line of the street at least three feet high.
Petition received, and both ordinance [sic] passed.
In S. C. they, with accompanying petition, were refused to the Committee on Ordinance. C. C. adhered and appointed Messrs. Walter's Taggart and Dean a Committee on Conference.
Mr. Shipman, an ordinance repealing an ordinance which authorizes the extension of Western avenue from Shamrock alley to Wilkin's street, and the ordinance opening the avenue from Shamrock alley to Spruce street be re-enacted. Passed.
Mr. Hastings, preamble and resolutions providing for the appointment of a committee of five to select a site and procure plans for a permanent city hospital, and report to Councils, provided no expense be incurred. Passed, and Messrs. Hastings, Brahm and Knox appointed in behalf of C. C.
When the matter came up in Select Council,
Mr. Riddell [sic] moved that it be referred to the Committee on Poor Fund [sic]. They knew more about the subject than any outside committee would know. It had been intimated to him that there would be enough money left after the erection of the new Poor House to erect a permanent hospital. He favored the erection of a hospital.
The paper was accordingly referred to Committee on Poor Farm.
Mr. Hunker, an additional section to the ordinance creating a Board of Health for Allegheny city. The section provides that every physician be required to furnish a certificate stating the name, age, color, residence, sex, whether married or single, &c., of any of their patients who die, and fixing a penalty of not less than $5 nor more than $25 for not making such return, and also fixing the same penalty upon any undertaker for conducting any funeral without such certificate, which must afterward be returned to the Board of Health. Passed finally. S. C. referred to Ordinance Committee. C. C. receded and concurred.
Mr. Voegtly, resolution for flagstone crossing at corner of Madison avenue and Third avenue. Referred.
The Wharves.
Mr. Hastings, Chairman of the Committee on Wharves and Landings, presented a report embodying the following resolutions:
Resolved, That the Committee on Wharves and Landings be authorized to contract with Mr. Louther at his proposal, viz: Forty cents per cubic yard for making Eighth ward wharf complete, according to plan adopted by Councils.
Resolved, That the Controller be and he is hereby authorized to certify a warrant in favor of James Orr to the amount of $642.93, being in full for making roadway at Allegheny avenue.
The Committee also reported that they had instructed the wharf master to have the Ferry Landing repaired.
Report referred and resolution adopted.
More Light.
Mr. Walters, from the Committee on Gas, presented a report with the following.
Resolved, That the Superintendent of Water Works be, and he is hereby instructed to place lamps and posts as follows: Corner of Davis alley and Irwin avenue; corner of Beaver avenue and West Ohio street; on Fremont street at corners of Jackson and Franklin streets; on New Brighton Road, corner of St. Johns and Ford streets; Southeast corner of Lacock street and Vine alley; on Chartiers street at corner of Ridge avenue; and midway between Rebecca street and Ridge avenue; corner of Third street and Gerst alley; corner of Isabella street and Vine alley; northwest corner of Robinson and School streets; on East Ohio street opposite Sycamore; also on East Ohio street opposite Wackers brewery.
Resolved. That the Gas Committe [sic] be, and they are hereby requested to lay mains on River avenue, Eight [sic] ward, as promptly as may be convient [sic].
Report received and resolutions adopted.
Market Receipts.
Mr. Comley, chairman of the Committee on Markets submitted the report of that Committee showing the following receipts for October.
Clerk of Markets | $2,101 85 |
Second Ward Scales | 433 65 |
Diamond Scales | 233 47 |
Fourth Ward Scales | 62 04 |
Total | $2,831 01 |
Received and filed.
Babcock Fire Extinguisher.
Mr. Dalzell, chairman of the Committee on Fire Engines presented a report with the following:
Resolved, That the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department be and he is hereby authorized to contract with parties representing the Babcock Fire Extinguisher for one medium sized apparatus for each company.
Report read and referred back to Committee.
The Alarm Bell
business from Select Council was then taken up. The old report of the Committee on Fire Engines and Hose, recommending the erection of a fire alarm bell, in C. C. September 14, was approved; S. C. October 9, non-concurred; C. C. November 9, adhered to former action and asked for Committee of Conference, and appointed Messrs. McNeill, Taggart, and Cooke for C. C.
Report of viewers on opening of Church avenue in S. C. August 10, confirmed; C. C. August 10, non-concurred and referred to Engineer's office for further examination C. C. November 9, concurred.