
From Pittsburgh Streets
Regular Meeting—An Additional Engine for the Water Works—Communication from the Board of Health—Resolutions for the Erection of a Permanent Hospital—Reports of Committees, etc.

A regular monthly meeting of Allegheny Councils was held last evening.

Select Branch.

S. C. was called to order at seven and a half o'clock by the President, Mr. McBrier.

The roll was then called, and the minutes of the previous meeting read and approved.

The following petitions, etc., were presented: Petition for the grading of Buchanan street, referred; petition and remonstrance relative to the opening of Sheffield street, laid over; petition for the opening of Slope alley; petition for water pipe on Webster street to Palo Alto street, referred; petition from citizens of the Seventh ward, asking that the ward be divided into two, or that a portion of the ward be added to the Third, referred; resolution for gas mains on First and Second streets, referred; a resolution that hereafter all contracts must be let by the majority of the committee, referred; an ordinance repealing the ordinance changing the name of Western avenue to West Ohio street, lost; a resolution instructing the City Engineer to prepare plans for improving the First ward Diamond square, referred; petition prohibiting wagons standing on North Canal street during the night, referred.

City Finances.

Mr. Riddle, chairman of the Finance Committee, presented a report authorizing the payment of a number of bills. The report was received and adopted.

Mr. Riddle also presented the report of the Controller for the month of October, showing the expenditures for the month, of which the following is a


 1. Salaries $ 1,595 12
 3. Fire Department 2,407 72
 5. Streets 2,484 87
 6. Wharves 94 34
 7. Surveys 489 00
 8. Police 3,614 83
 9. Contingent Fund 94 81
11. Water Works 2,347 54
13. Gas 196 39
16. City Property 3,759 90
Total $17,084 52

The report was received, and warrants ordered to be drawn for the payment of the several bills.


Mr. Heaggy, from the Survey Committee, presented a report. The Committee reported favorably to the opening of Palo Alto street, from Taylor avenue to Jefferson street, and offered an ordinance authorizing the same. The Committee also reported an ordinance for the opening of Sheffield street, from Beaver avenue to the river. The report was received, and the second ordinance passed finally. The first ordinance was laid over.

New Engine for the Water Works.

Mr. Wettach, Chairman of the Water Committee, presented the report of that Committee. The report recommended the purchase of a "Long Double Plunger Pump," with horizontal engine, in order to meet the increased demand for water. The report also recommended the purchase of an engine capable of lifting 12,000,000 gallons of water every twenty-four hours. This size of engine would weigh about 600,000 pounds, which would cost ten and a half cents per pound for construction. The estimates of costs are as follows:

600,000 pounds, at 10½ cents per pound $63,000
Boilers complete 6,000
Foundation for building an engine 10,000
Pipes to reservoir and river 10,000
For supervision and royalty of patent 5,000
Total $94,000

The report was accompanied with a resolution authorizing the committee to advertise for proposals and enter into contract for the construction of an engine, boiler and pump similar to the plans and specifications submitted by Mr. Joseph Lowry, and also authorizing Mr. Lowry to superintend the construction of the engine building.

Also, a resolution authorizing the laying of water mains along Spring alley and Superior street.

The report was received and the resolutions adopted.

The Streets.

Mr. J. C. Patterson, from the Street Committee, presented the following report:

The Committee reported adversely to granting the petition of property holders on West Ohio street, asking that the ordinance, changing the name of that street from its former one—Western avenue to West Ohio street, be repealed, and allow it to retain the name of Western avenue. In relation to the petition of Charles Zehnder, asking for damages sustained by the construction of a sewer through his property, the Committee reported adversely. In relation to the proposed sewer in Arch street, from Jackson street to North avenue, the Committee recommended the adoption of the ordinance for the same. The following ordinances were reported: for grading Lombard street; for sewer in First alley, east of Arch street.

The report was received, and ordinance passed finally.

The report of viewers on the opening of Howard street was presented and laid over. The report of viewers on the opening of Monterey street was confirmed, and that of Buena Vista, together with the remonstrance, was referred to the viewers.

Mr. Riddle, Chairman of the Committee on City Property, offered a resolution for the appropriation of $5,000 from the contingent fund to the city property fund; also a resolution for the payment of $2,638 65 for the improvement of the Third Ward Diamond Square. The report was received and resolutions adopted.

Two Thousand Dollars to Be Appropriated for the Board of Health.

Mr. Megraw presented a communication from the Board of Health, asking for a further appropriation of $2,000 for hospital purposes. Referred to the Finance Committee.

S. C. now took up business from C. C., and concurred in all actions of that body, except where otherwise nated [sic].


This branch was called to order at seven and a half o'clock by the President, Alfred Slack, after which the minutes of the two preceding meetings were read and approved.

The following petitions, resolutions, etc., were presented: Petition for a gas lamp on the northwest corner of Federal and Lacock streets, referred; petition for the grading and paving of Bowen street, referred; an ordinance repealing the ordinance extending Western avenue from Shamrock alley to Wilkins street, passed finally; a resolution for flagstone crossing on Madison avenue, at the intersection of Third street.

Petition for the Abatement of a Nuisance.

Mr. Walters presented a petition from the citizens residing on North Canal street, between Madison avenue and Sycamore street, praying that the use of said street for the unloading of tanner scraps, bones and bark be prohibited, as it is an intolerable nuisance, the stench arising therefrom extending for several squares. The petition recommended that a fence be erected along the line of said street, which would be a sure preventive against the nuisance.

The petition was accompanied by two ordinances, one providing for the abatement of the nuisance, and the other for the construction of a fence. The ordinances were passed finally. In Select Council the ordinances were referred to the Ordinance Committee. Common Council adhered to former action, and appointed a committee of conference, consisting of Messrs. Walters, Taggart and Dean. No further action in Select Council.

The Proposed Permanent Hospital.

Mr. Hastings presented the following:

Whereas, Our city is visited by the prevalence of small-pox, and other contagious diseases, and for want of places to isolate and care for patients, has almost become epidemic, and added to this is the fact that all previous arrangements made by the Board of Health, and individually, so far as taking advantage of the public institutions in our sister city is concerned, has been suddenly cut off: and we find a large community depending upon our prompt action, to save them from the ravages of one of the most loathsome and dangerous diseases, and therefore,

Resolved, That a special committee of five be appointed to select a site for an hospital building acceptable to the city; also, plan to be submitted and committee to report the same, with probable cost, to Councils for approval.

The paper was received and resolution adopted with an amendment that the committee incur no cost in the preparation of a sketch of the building. Messrs. Hastings, Braun and Knox were appointed on the committee on the part of Common Council. Select Council non-concurred, and referred the paper to the Committee on Poor Farm. Common Council concurred.

An Ordinance Providing for a Mortuary Report.

Mr. Hunker presented an ordinance requiring certificates of death from physicans [sic] and surgeons to be furnished to the Board of Health, specifying the name, age, sex, color, residence, whether married or single, occupation, and the disease which produced death; and any physician not complying with the above shall forfeit and pay for every such offense any sum not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars, to be recovered and applied ot the use of the Board of Health.

Section 2 provides that no undertaker shall remove or cause to be removed any dead body to the place of interment, without having first received from the physician or family the certificate setting forth name, etc., of the deceased, and any undertaker not complying with the above shall forfeit and pay for every such offense any sum not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars.

The rules were suspended and the ordinance passed finally. In Select Council referred to Ordinance Committee. Common Council concurred.

Reports of Committees.

Mr. Walter, from the Gas Committee, submitted a resolution recommending that gas lamps be placed at the following points: Corner Davis alley and Irwin avenue; corner Beaver avenue and West Ohio street; on Fremont street at corners of Jackson and Franklin streets; two on New Brighton road; corner Lacock street and Vine alley; two on Chartiers street; corner Third street and Gerst alley; corner Isabella street and Vine alley; corner Robinson and School streets; on East Ohio street opposite Wacker's brewery and opposite Sycamore street.

In relation to complaints made by citizens of the Eighth ward relative to the want of gas lamps, the Committee reported that the fault lies with the Gas Company, who have neglected laying gas mains. The report was accompanied with a resolutions [sic] requesting the Gas Company to extend the gas mains on River avenue and East Ohio street.

The report was received and resolutions adopted.

Mr. Comley, from the Market Committee, presented a report, showing that the receipts for the month of October from the Clerk of the Markets were $2,101 85; Second ward Scales, $433 65; Diamond Scales, $233 47; Isaac Hippely, Fourth ward Scales, $62 04; total $2,831 01.

The report was received and adopted.

Mr. Hastings, from the Committee on Wharves and Landings, presented a report accompanied with the following resolutions:

Resolved, That the Committee on Wharves and Landings be authorized to contract with Mr. Francis Louther, at his proposal, viz: Forty cents per cubic yard for making the Eighth ward wharf complete, according to plan adopted by Councils.

Resolved, That the Controller be and is hereby authorized to certify a warrant in favor of James Orr to the amount of $642 93, being in full for making roadway at Allegheny avenue.

The Committee also reported that they have instructed the Wharfmaster to have the ferry landing repaired.

The report was received and resolutions adopted.

Mr. Taggart, from the Committee on Fire Engines and Hose, presented a report, accompanied with the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department be and he hereby is authorized to contract with parties representing the Babcock Fire Extinguisher for one medium sized apparatus for each company.

The report was referred back to committee.

Common Council now proceeded to take up business from Select Council, and concurred in all actions of that body except the following: The resolution relative to the construction of a central fire alarm bell, adopted in Common Council, but non-concurred in Select Council, was brought up. Common Council adhered to its former action, and Messrs. McNeil, Taggart and Cooke were appointed a Committee of Conference.

Common Council then adjourned.