Council balked yesterday at the plan of the postal authorities to eliminate Ohio, Oliver, Michigan, Mifflin, Gardner, Garland and other well known titles, in the city's street vocabulary of some 5,000 or 6,000 names, however approved a change of name for some 150 streets and ways advocated to facilitate the mail service.
Many homeowners will awaken to find themselves on a new street, or rather the old one under a new name, as the list approved will go into ordinance form at once to accomplish the change.
Postmaster George W. Gosser, with a corps of assistants, sat with council yesterday when action was taken on the schedule prepared. The schedule has been in process for months, City Clerk Robert Clark being detailed by the city to work with the postal force.
Conflict of city titles with those of the suburban points in the postoffice district was the principal cause for change, and another was due to an effort to reduce the name scheme of the postoffice by extending thoroughfares, such as Brownsville road and Mt. Troy road, which in each case did away with several names.
The postal group evinced early that they would deal more or less ruthlessly with historic old street names in the city. Ohio street would have been eliminated altogether, the proposal being to call East Ohio "Butler Drive" and West Ohio, Western avenue. Butler street was proposed for elimination by changing to Arsenal street.
Councilman James F. Malone led the way for the councilmen in acting on the list, in each case offering a motion to approve, disapprove or hold in abeyance.
Council was a unit in most instances. The extension of Mt. Troy road over several streets, including Gardner and Lowrie streets, which would then have passed out, met with no encouragement from the councilmen. The situation was similar when it was proposed to start Brownsville road at the Carson street end of Brownsville avenue, and also include Arlington avenue as a part of Brownsville road.
Poplar "alley" was among those to undergo a change, and will be known as Gilmore street. Some of the names proposed by the Federal authorities proved unacceptable to the city in cases where the change was favored, and they were told to supply new ones. For instance, it was scheduled to change Bader way to Bozine way, Overhill street to Onigum street, Sedan street to Silush street, Wallace street to Wabaningo street and Princeton place to Poindexter street, all of which were impossible for the councilmen, and changes were ordered to be submitted.
Chairman Wallace Borland of the committee said that he did not approve the change of Princeton place to Poindexter street. Malone objected to the change of Garland way to Garmond way, as he said he wanted the name Garland preserved in the street directory until the city had completed some new outstanding thoroughfare, when he wanted the name applied there.
The schedule would have eliminated Oliver avenue by extending Bigelow boulevard to Liberty avenue. Mifflin street, an old name due to be changed to Mintwood street, Michigan street to Letitia street and Dawson street to Danforth, which were among the changes that council would not stand for. Bascom, to be made Klein street also was preserved as is.
Aiken avenue and Rebecca street are on the list for change later, the plan submitted showing Rebecca street (north) being changed to North Aiken, the present Aiken to South Aiken, which failed to find approval with the councilmen.
Changes approved are: Academy Lane to Acacia Lane; Agnes way to Assaria way; Alta to Athlone way; Andrew street to Abordale street; Anneta street to Navarro street; Ashford street to Atoka street; Ashland street to Alverson street; Aurora to Arline street, Austin way to Crugar way; Bader way to Bozine, with a substitute for the new name; Bauldauf street to Bonifay street; Barnes avenue to Bark street; Berkley street to Blackstone street, Bernard street to Bigbee street; Beulah street to Burham street; Birch way to Banning way; Boyson street to Bluebelle street; Bradford avenue to Brule; Brown street to Boyce street; Burns way to Barlow way; Cadman street to Maguire street; Calhoun street to Calway street; Campbell way to Carnival way; Caroline street to Tobin street; Church way to Capus way; Circle way to Cinibar way; Clairton street to Clairtonica street; Clermont avenue to Crystiter street; Coal street to Cola street; Crighton way to Charlick way; Cresson street and way to Cushman street and way; David avenue to Daykin street; Dinsmore avenue to Crafton boulevard; Duncan way to Ducat way; Dunlevy street to Dulaney street; Ebdy way to Elyria way; Edison street to Edgerly street; Elmwood street to Edisto street; Elsie way to Trowbridge way; Ester way to Emmons way; Florence street to Frontier street; Florida street to Fairlee street; Forest Hill Road to Oak Park Road; Fort way to Forbush way; Frankfort street to Falstaff street; Franklin street to North Franklin street; Front way to Field way; Fulton Road to Mt. Pleasant Road; Furnace way to Fowlkes way; Gang street street [sic] and way to Tours street and way; Girard avenue to Gurnee street; Glendale street to Gandy street; Grandin street to Grasmere street; Green Tree avenue to Baytree street; Heigle street to McNeilly avene [sic]; Hillsdale street to Hilliards street; Hughes way to Hoople way; Huntingdon street to Harjo street; Ingram street and way to Iberia street and way; Jackson street North to Jacksonia street; Jefferson street to Finland street; Key way to Groga way; Kilbuck street to Kinglake street; Kipling street to Kinmount street; Klein avenue to Karwich avenue.
Layton way to Kleefield way; Lebanon street to Leticoe street; Lippert street to Le Blanc street; Long way to Locarna way; Lula way to Loney way; Manchester way to Mayburg way; Martin way to Mardo way; Mason street to Mann street; Mathias way to Midangle way; Mathews way to Mattie way; Mattern street to Manheim street; May way to Millstone way; Means way to Maxon way; Michael street to Micano street; Middletown street to Mirror street; Mildred way to Millbrae way; Miles way to Maudlin way; Mill street to Hershberger street; Milligan street and way to Mindora street and way; Morrow street to Moga street; Morton way to Moriah way; Mount Airy road to McAlister road; McConnell avenue to McNeilly avenue; McKee street and way to Mossehart [sic] street and way; McNeil way to McDade way; Narrow way to Napton way; Oak way to Offley way; Oakwood street to East Wood street.
O'Brien street to Obregon street; Ophir street to Norwood avenue; Orchard street to Ocala street; Orlando way to Osterburg way; Ormond street to Osakis street; Ormsby street to Gregory street; Overhill street to Onigum street (a better name to be submitted for the new); Owens way to Owasso way; Oxford street to Oldsmar street; Palmer way to Palmyra way; Park way to Pantego way; Parker avenue to Peekskill street; Pilgrim street to Payson street; Pine way to Penz way; Plum street to Pentress street; Pollard way to Ironside way; Poplar way to Gilmore way; Powers road to Peola road; Princeton place to Poindexter (with a new name for the latter); Promenade street to Poland street; Ralston street to Wardsons way; Ramsey street to Ramsden street; Reserve street to Rancheria street; Rochelle street to Rockyhill street; Rosemary street to Rosemary road; Russett way to Exposition way; Sample way to Sansell way; Sampson street and way to Sampsonia street and way; Savannah street to Salerma; Sedan street to Silush street (with a change of latter name); Shade way to Seawall way; Silver way to Gomez way; Singer street to Seagirt street; Sprague street to Stranahan street; Star way to Beam way; Talbot street to Dumas street; Textor street to Tulia street; Trenton street to Tipton street; Turbett street to Tybee street; Union way to Uxbridge way; Valley street to Vanhorn street; Watson entrance to Watson boulevard; Wallace street to Wabaningo street (a new name to be submitted for the latter); Wayne street to Wiggins street; Wyatt ter [sic] street to Wassatch street; Wyatt way to Krewson way; Young way to Yantley way; Zara way to Zelda way.