Notes:Overbrook Boulevard

From Pittsburgh Streets
To do

Renaming of streets in Overbrook as one of the last acts of the Overbrook Council, December 19, 1929.

  • 1929-12-20: Source:Street-names-changed-in-overbrook, Source:Overbrooks-swan-song, Source:Nice-new-street-names
  • 1929-12-21
    • 89866177: "This rapid-fire work was characteristic of the recent meeting spent in joyous and expensive preparation for Overbrook's reception into the city. Thursday night the councilmen changed the names of numerous streets, naming them after themselves, politicians, Mayor Kline, and everyone else they could think of who likes nice things like that. ¶ This happy plan to immortalize their names struck a sour note in the borough yesterday. Citizens of Overbrook boulevard were circulating a petition against changing the name of that thoroughfare to Ernest boulevard, naming it for Burgess Meier. The petition will go to city council after the annexation. ¶ The Overbrook Board of Trade will consider the street renaming, too, at its meeting next Friday, and will hear complaints of citizens. William B. Hodby of the trade board says three-fourths of Overbrook boulevard is in the city limits, and unless Pittsburgh council can be persuaded to change its section to Ernest boulevard, the street will have two names."
    • 141338828: "Meanwhile petitions are being circulated to enjoin the renaming of streets for borough politicians and two ministers. ¶ The Overbrook Board of Trade will take up this effort to immortalize borough officials. Complaints of citizens will be heard next Friday night."
    • "Fight street name change" ( 522909788): "Petitions today were being circulated among residents of Overbrook, protesting the action of Borough Council Thursday night in changing the names of several streets and avenues in the community. The borough solons held their last meeting Thursday night, the borough to become a part of the city next month. At this gathering the names of a dozen thoroughfares were changed, the new names being those of political and civic leaders in the community. ¶ The first protestant petition was started by residents of Overbrook boulevard, who learned yesterday that the boulevard had been changed from Overbrook to Ernest boulevard in honor of Burgess Ernest E. Meier. One street in the borough also was named after Mayor Charles H. Kline, of Pittsburgh. ¶ According to William B. Hodby, a member of the Overbrook Board of Trade, the subject will be brought up at a meeting of the board next Friday night."
  • 1929-12-23: 89866235, 141342108
  • 1929-12-24: 89866284