62nd Street

From Pittsburgh Streets
62nd Street
Neighborhoods Stanton Heights, Upper Lawrenceville
Origin of name Sequential numbering up the Allegheny River, with a gap for streets never built

62nd Street is best known for the 62nd Street Bridge, officially the Senator Robert D. Fleming Bridge, opened (fittingly) in 1962. The actual street leads under the bridge from Butler Street. According to the online map from the Pittsburgh Department of City Planning, 62nd Street also includes a very short segment on the other side of Butler.[1]

A committee to build a bridge near Sharpsburg met at the house of William Larimer on July 28, 1838.[2] A bridge across the Allegheny River at this point, leading to Etna and Sharpsburg on the north bank, appears in the 1862 map of S. N. and F. W. Beers.[3]

The segment of 62nd Street on the south side of Butler Street appears, labeled just "Street," in a plan of lots laid out for Eliza Gallahue, originally laid out in 1869 and recorded about 1871.[4] It is also shown, unlabeled, in the 1882 Hopkins atlas.[5] A city ordinance from 1894, authorizing the construction of a sewer on the street, called it "Sixty-second street."[6] The street is labeled "62nd St." in the 1904 edition of the Hopkins atlas.[7]


  1. Pittsburgh Map. Pittsburgh Department of City Planning, GIS Division. https://pittsburghpa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/basic/index.html?appid=0b82e78539464c3da121dcab22e444d4. Linked from https://pittsburghpa.gov/innovation-performance/interactive-maps. [view source]pgh-city-planning-map
  2. Joseph A. Borkowski. Miscellaneous History of Lawrenceville, p. 95. 1989. [view source]borkowski
  3. S. N. & F. W. Beers. Map of Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania. Smith, Gallup & Hewitt, Philadelphia, 1862. LCCN 2012592151; https://collections.lib.uwm.edu/digital/collection/agdm/id/31783; 1862 layer at Pittsburgh Historic Maps (https://esriurl.com/pittsburgh). [view source]beers
  4. "Plan of lots in the 18th Ward City of Pittsburgh: Being the same lots laid out by Hasting & Co. July 19–1869 and showing the new location of Butler St in front of said property made Oct. 1870 for Miss E. Gallehue [sic]." Laid out Oct. 1870; notarized July 18, 1871; recorded in Plan Book 4, p. 105. Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds 3778889. [view source]gallahue-plan
  5. Atlas of the Cities Pittsburgh and Allegheny, plate 22. G. M. Hopkins & Co., Philadelphia, 1882. http://historicpittsburgh.org/maps-hopkins/1882-atlas-pittsburgh-allegheny; 1882 layer at Pittsburgh Historic Maps (https://esriurl.com/pittsburgh). [view source]hopkins-1882
  6. "An ordinance authorizing the construction of a sewer on Sixty-second street, and on the road leading from Butler street to the Sharpsburg bridge, and through or over private properties of James McLain et al., from O'Brien street to the Allegheny river, with a branch sewer on Butler street, from the change of grade west of Sixty-second street to Sixty-second street." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1894–1895, no. 84. Passed June 11, 1894; approved June 14, 1894. Ordinance Book 9, p. 575. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the [Select and Common Councils] of the City of Pittsburgh, for the Year 1894–5, appendix, p. 24, J. M. Kelly Printing Co., Pittsburgh (Internet Archive pghmunicipalrecord1894). Reprinted in the Pittsburg Press, June 25, 1894, [p. 7] (Newspapers.com 141557012), June 26, [p. 5] (Newspapers.com 141557085), and June 27, [p. 6] (Newspapers.com 141557194). [view source]ordinance-1894-1895-84
  7. Real Estate Plat-Book of the City of Pittsburgh, vol. 2, plate 35. G. M. Hopkins & Co., Philadelphia, 1904. http://historicpittsburgh.org/maps-hopkins/1904-volume-2-plat-book-pittsburgh; included in the 1903–1906 layer at Pittsburgh Historic Maps (https://esriurl.com/pittsburgh). [view source]hopkins-1904-vol-2