
From Pittsburgh Streets
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"An ordinance changing the names of certain streets, avenues and alleys in the City of Pittsburgh." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1910–1911, no. 558. Passed Feb. 14, 1911; approved Feb. 16, 1911. Ordinance Book 22, p. 498. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the [Select and Common Councils] of the City of Pittsburgh for the Years 1910–1911, appendix, pp. 322–323, Devine & Co., Pittsburgh, 1911 (Google Books 0X0zAQAAMAAJ; HathiTrust uiug.30112108223840; Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1910). Reprinted in the Pittsburgh Post, Mar. 10, 1911, p. 13 ( 86499788), and Mar. 11, p. 13 ( 86499822).

No. 558

AN ORDINANCE—Changing the names of certain streets, avenues and alleys in the City of Pittsburgh.

Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the names of the following streets, avenues and alleys of the City of Pittsburgh be changed as follows, to-wit:

Allegheny, from Second avenue to Dyke [sic], changed to Alluvian, Fifteenth ward.

Auburn avenue, from Fordham avenue to Dorchester avenue, changed to Athlone, Nineteenth ward.

Amman avenue, from Sturgis to property line, changed to Amman, Nineteenth ward.

Althea, from Montooth to Delmont, changed to Amesbury, Eighteenth ward.

Allequippa, from Bryn Mawr road to Grant boulevard, changed to Andover, Fifth ward.

Beitler, from Highland avenue to Shakespeare, changed to Houston, Seventh ward.

Banksville avenue, from Mackinaw to Catalpa, changed to Wenzell way, Nineteenth ward.

Boyd avenue, from Ray avenue to property line, changed to Brisbin, Nineteenth ward.

Bindley alley, from Mulberry to Pike, changed to Belvit alley, Second ward.

Camargo avenue, from Theobald to Bon Air avenue, changed to Conniston avenue, Eighteenth ward.

Catalpa, from Baltimore to city line, changed to Crosby, Nineteenth ward.

Curren avenue, from Fallowfield to Baltimore, changed to Catalpa, Nineteenth ward.

Cooked alley, from Greenleaf to Shannopin, changed to Crooked alley, Nineteenth ward.

Carber, from Lincoln avenue to St. Andrews, changed to Carver, Twelfth ward.

Carbon alley, from Cassatt to Ledlie, changed to Monaca place, Third ward.

Crescent avenue, from Fernhill avenue, to property line, changed to Croxton, Nineteenth ward.

Cranford avenue, from Dorchester to Brookline boulevard, changed to Currency, Nineteenth ward.

Diagonal, from Penn avenue to Fifth avenue, changed to North Denniston, Seventh ward.

Dash, from Prospect to Gray, changed to Dilworth, Nineteenth ward.

Dritt avenue, from Richards to Perrysville avenue, changed to Vinceton, Twenty-sixth ward.

Dresden alley, from Fifty-sixth to property line, changed to Donson alley, Tenth ward.

Emodi alley, from Holyoke to Wilson avenue, changed to Elsdon, Twenty-fifth ward.

Flushing alley, from Puckety road to Haney alley, changed to Odessa alley, Twelfth ward.

Fremont avenue, from Wenzell way to Shiras avenue, changed to Baltimore avenue, Nineteenth ward.

Frederick, from South Tenth to South Twelfth, changed to Freyburg (formerly Sedgwick), Seventeenth ward.

First, from Lappe lane to East lane, changed to Fabyan, Twenty-sixth ward.

Hugenot, from Negley avenue to Highview, changed to Hornehurst, Eleventh ward.

Heinz alley, from Hastings to property line, changed to Sinnet alley, Fourteenth ward.

Handem avenue, from property line to property line, changed to Hilbert, Nineteenth ward.

Japanese, from Buena Vista to Saturn, changed to Jules Verne, Twenty-fifth ward.

Limasco avenue, from Rockland avenue to West Liberty avenue, changed to Curran Hill avenue, Nineteenth ward.

Madrone, from Madison avenue to Pindam, changed to Progress, Twenty-third ward.

Mugele alley, from Colwell to Wick, changed to Henning place, Third ward.

Manhattan, from Chislett to Antietam, changed to Manistee, Tenth ward.

Matilda way, from Lillian to Manton alley, changed to Harcourt way, Eighteenth ward.

Maloney alley, from Carson street w. to P. & L. E. R. R., changed to Musk alley, Nineteenth ward.

Madelia, from Lafayette avenue to Belle avenue, changed to Mountford avenue, Twenty-sixth ward.

McKee, from Stanton avenue to property line, changed to McCabe, Tenth ward.

McKee, from Yoder to 10-foot alley, changed to Milwood, Fifteenth ward.

Nantuck avenue, from Mackinaw avenue to Shiras avenue, changed to Vodeli, Nineteenth ward.

North End avenue, from Barris avenue to property line, changed to Kennedy avenue (formerly Imbrie and North End avenue), Twenty-sixth ward.

Ormsby alley, from German square to property line, changed to Oby alley, Seventeenth ward.

Pringell, from Harietta to property line, changed to Premo, Tenth ward.

Recinto, from Sebring avenue to property line, changed to Lettie-Hill, Nineteenth ward.

Robinson road, from Buente to Rockledge, changed to Damas, Twenty-fourth and Twenty-sixth wards.

Richter, from Pioneer avenue to Saw Mill run, changed to Rapello, Nineteenth ward.

Ridge avenue, from Dagmar to Fallowfield, changed to Rigdon, Nineteenth ward.

Randolph alley, from Baum to property line, changed to Ravoux alley, Eighth ward.

Shadwell, from Grafton to property line, changed to Sheridan, Eleventh ward.

Succop, from Province to Basin, changed to Return, Twenty-fourth ward.

Skidmore avenue, from West Liberty avenue to Palm Beach avenue, changed to Saranac avenue, Nineteenth ward.

Senlich, from River avenue to Ohio, changed to Heinz, Twenty-third ward.

Suburban avenue, from Shiras avenue to Catalpa, changed to Baltimore avenue, Nineteenth ward.

Sturm, from Dalsey avenue to Quebec, changed to Strum, Twenty-sixth ward.

South Diamond, from Graeme to Drummond, changed to Marjorie, First ward.

Sturgis avenue, from West Liberty avenue to Waddington avenue, changed to Sturgis, Nineteenth ward.

Shady, from Saratoga avenue to property line, changed to Solon, Nineteenth ward.

Sanford, from Shady avenue to Nicholson, changed to Sherbrook, Fourteenth ward.

Second, from Lappe lane to East lane, changed to Shirls, Twenty-sixth ward.

Sylvan, from Second avenue to Dawson, changed to Swinburne, Fourth ward.

Unnamed alley, from Montclair to Loretto, changed to Kish alley, Fifteenth ward.

Unnamed alley, from Montclair to Loretto, changed to On alley, Fifteenth ward.

Unnamed alley, from Kish alley to On alley, changed to Lopez, Fifteenth ward.

Vosco alley, from Cornell avenue to Termon avenue, changed to Vosco, Twenty-seventh ward.

Welcome, from Chellis to Winhorst, changed to Northminster, Twenty-seventh ward.

Westminster, from Amberson to Aiken, changed to Westminster place, Seventh ward.

Winhorst, from Brighton road to Belgium, changed to Winhurst, Twenty-seventh ward.

Section 2. That all names not otherwise designated in this ordinance shall be and the same are hereby fixed as "streets."

Section 3. That any Ordinance or part of Ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this Ordinance.

Passed February 14, 1911.

Approved February 16, 1911.

Ordinance Book 22, page 498.