
From Pittsburgh Streets
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"An ordinance changing and establishing the names of avenues, streets and alleys in the Thirty-ninth ward of the City of Pittsburgh." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1905–1906, no. 60. Passed May 15, 1905; approved May 17, 1905. Ordinance Book 17, p. 61. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the [Select and Common Councils] of the City of Pittsburgh for the Year 1905–1906, appendix, pp. 18–20, Devine & Co., Pittsburgh, 1906 (Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1905).

No. 60

AN ORDINANCE—Changing and establishing the names of avenues, streets and alleys in the Thirty-ninth ward of the City of Pittsburgh.

Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the names of the following avenues, streets and alleys in the Thirty-ninth ward of the City of Pittsburgh, shall be and the same are hereby changed as follows, to-wit:

Pine Grand Rue avenue, between Fairview avenue and City line, to Pinerue avenue.

Plum way, between Fairview avenue and Lorenz avenue, to Paula way.

Flag alley, between Navajo way and City line, to Pollard way.

Elizabeth street, between Fairview avenue and City line, to Elkton street.

Cherry alley, between Fairview avenue and Lorenz avenue, to Cameron way.

Virginia street, between Attica street and Ramona street, to Valonia street.

Peach alley, between Fairview and Lorenz avenue, to Plover way.

Ivy alley, between Navajo way and Ramona street, to Palo way.

Mary street, between Quaker way and Ramona street, to Marena street.

Apple way, between Hawkins street and Lorenz avenue, to Averill way.

Locust alley, between Navajo way and Ramona street, to Avoca way.

Union street, between Attica street and Ramona street, to Uvilla street.

Williams alley, between Navajo way and Ramona street, to Wyanet way.

William street, between Lorenz avenue and Marlow street, to Wilhelm street.

Apple alley, between Marlow street and Parnassus way, to Astor way.

Grace street, between Marlow street and Lorenz avenue, to Gibson street.

Pine alley, between Lorenz avenue and property line, to Payne way.

Love avenue, between Lorenz avenue and Ramona street, to Lakewood avenue.

Albree street, between Lorenz avenue and property line, to Ainsworth street.

Lookout avenue, between Furley street and Quinton street, to Hawkins street.

Quarry avenue, between Attica street and Fairview avenue, to Quinton street.

Beaumont street, between Uvilla street and Valonia street, to Attica street.

Unnamed street, between Buttonwood street and Harker street, to Weaver street.

Iron alley, between Azalia street and City line, to Lester way.

Frederick street, between Lorenz avenue and City line, to Fredonia street.

Jane street, between property line and City line, to Janewood way.

Catherine street, between Steuben street and City line, to Crucible street.

Cherry alley, between Steuben street and City line, to Calcutta way.

South Main street, between Steuben street and property line, to Neidel street.

Winchester street, between Steuben street and Weaver street, to Harker street.

Foster way, between Hilton street and Elbon street, to Fostoria way.

Warren street, between Steuben street and Hanson way, to Wymore street.

Wayne street and alley, between Steuben street and Weaver street, to Weston way.

High street, between Steuben street and Weaver street, to Herschel street.

Spruce street, between Jericho way and Weaver street, to Sedan way.

Pitt street, between Arnold street and Hasler street, to Phoenix street.

Unnamed alley, between Nye way and Hilton way, to Adell way.

Unnamed alley, between Mertz street and Adell way, to Nye way.

Unnamed alley, between Mertz street and Herschel street, to Hilton way.

Unnamed street, between Nye way and Hilton way, to Mertz street.

Unnamed street, between Berdella street and Steuben street, to Belton way.

Brown street, between Belton way and Crucible street, to Berdella street.

Virgin alley, between Marlow street and Lorenz avenue, to Valier way.

Louisa avenue, between Hawkins street and Attica street, to Laona street.

Atwood avenue, between Chartiers street and Uvilla street, to Attica street.

Francis way, between Hawkins street and Comstock street, to Fenton way.

Fox avenue, between Finch street and Attica street, to Furley street.

Rebecca street, between Comfort street and Lakewood avenue, to Rudolph street.

Bryant avenue, between Chartiers street and Lakewood avenue, to Bucyrus street.

Wood alley between Chartiers street and Lakewood avenue, to Wilna way.

Unnamed alley, between Wyanet way and Pinerue avenue, to Navajo way.

Park alley, between Valier way and Pinerue avenue, to Parnassus way.

Marion avenue, between Chartiers street and Pinerue avenue, to Marlow street.

Annie avenue, between Chartiers street and Furley street, to Finch street.

Chestnut way, between Furley street and Pinerue avenue, to Comstock way.

Quarry way, between Furley street and Quniton [sic] street, to Quaker way.

Rose avenue, between Attica street and Furley street, to Quaker street.

Allen street, between Crucible street and Chartiers street, to Azalia street.

Oak alley, between Crucible street and Chartiers street, to Wilna way.

Short alley, between Lorenz avenue and Ernie street, to Fredonia way.

Amelia street, between Steuben street and Chartiers street, to Amherst street.

Coal street, between Phoenix street and City line, to Arnold street.

Pike street, between Herschel street and Phoenix street, to Arnold street.

Penn street, between Phoenix and Herschel street, to Cratty street.

Perry street, between Phoenix street and Herschel street, to Gleston street.

Taylor street, between Steuben street and property line, to Hassler street.

Elliott street, between Harker street and Steuben street, to Elbon street.

Elliott street, between Herschel street and Harker street, to Elbon way.

Maple way, between Wymore street and Herschel street, to Mallard way.

Elm way, between Fostoria way and Herschel street, to Elmore way.

Hill street, between Herschel street and Harker street, to Hilton street.

Walnut street, between Herschel street and Harker street, to Lindsay street.

Unnamed street, between Weston way and Wymore street, to Hansen way.

Jones street, between Sedan way and Herschel street, to Jericho way.

Beach street, between Herschel street and Weston way, to Bengal way.

Peach way, between Weston street and Harker street, to Killdeer way.

Plum way, between Weston street and Harker street, to Linnet way.

Gum alley, between Navajo way and Ramona street, to Reva way.

Unnamed street, between Lakewood avenue and Pinerue avenue, to Ramona street.

Chartiers avenue, between Steuben street and City line, to Chartiers street.

Section 2. That the names of the following avenues, streets and alleys in the Thirty-ninth ward of the City of Pittsburgh, shall be and the same are hereby establihed [sic] as follows, to wit:

Campbell street, between Rudolph street and Bucyrus street.

Lorenz avenue, between Herschel street and Pinerue avenue.

Fairview avenue, between Furley street and Pinerue avenue.

Ester way, between Furley street and Uvilla street.

Ernie street, between Janewood way and Chartiers street.

Steuben street, between West Carson street and City line.

Buttonwood street, between Weaver street and property line.

Section 3. That any ordinance or part of ordinance, conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this ordinance.

Passed May 15, 1905.

Approved May 17, 1905.

Ordinance Book 17, page 61.