Logan Street

From Pittsburgh Streets
(Redirected from Ross Street (Logan Street))
Logan Street
Neighborhood Crawford-Roberts
Origin of name Logan, a Mingo leader
Ross Street (1833 – ca. 1845)
Origin of name James Ross

This street was laid out as Ross Street in 1833 by Thomas Scott, Rees Townsend, and Thomas S. Clarke. It was named for James Ross (1762–1847), who had sold the surrounding land to Scott.[1]

This part of the Lower Hill District was annexed to the City of Pittsburgh in 1845.[2][3] The name Ross Street conflicted with Ross Street downtown (also named for James Ross), so when it became part of the city, or perhaps earlier, it was renamed Logan Street.[4]

George T. Fleming connects the street name to Logan (ca. 1723 – 1780), a leader of the Mingo people, friendly to white settlers, whose family was murdered in the Yellow Creek massacre of 1774.[5]

Logan Street was eliminated in the late 1950s as part of an urban renewal project to make way for the Civic Arena. See Epiphany Street for more about the demolition of the Lower Hill District.

A curved street behind the Civic Arena, roughly in the location of Logan Street, was named Auditorium Place in 1961;[6] it was renamed Mario Lemieux Place in 1997.[7]

After the demolition of the Civic Arena in 2011–2012, a new street was built where Logan Street used to be; the name Logan Street was officially approved for this new street in 2015.[8]

See also


  1. "Draught of a subdivision of out lot no. 3 in the manor of Pittsburgh, Pitt Twp., Allegheny Co., now 3rd Ward: Laid out for Thomas Scott, Rees Townsend & Thos. S. Clarke." Laid out Sept. 7, 1833; recorded Dec. 5, 1833, Plan Book 1, p. 20. Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds 3778147. [view source]scott-townsend-clarke-plan
  2. W. B. Negley. "Allegheny County; its formation, its cities, wards, boroughs and townships." Historic Pittsburgh 76v01p04. In Atlas of the Cities of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and the Adjoining Boroughs, p. 4, G. M. Hopkins & Co., Philadelphia, 1876 (http://historicpittsburgh.org/maps-hopkins/1876-atlas-pittsburgh-allegheny). [view source]negley
  3. Mark A. Connelly. "Pittsburgh City 1845 Ordinance." Local Geohistory Project. https://www.localgeohistory.pro/en/pa/event/pittsburgh-city-1845-ordinance/. [view source]lgeo-1845-lower-hill
  4. R. E. M'Gowan. Map of Pittsburgh & Vicinity: Designating the portion destroyed by fire, April 10, 1845. J. W. Cook, Pittsburgh, 1845. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pittsburgh_map_1845.jpg. Published in the front matter of J. Heron Foster, A Full Account of the Great Fire at Pittsburgh, on the Tenth Day of April, 1845: With the Individual Losses, and Contributions for Relief, J. W. Cook, Pittsburgh, 1845 (Internet Archive fullaccountofgre00fost) and of O. Ormsby Gregg, Isaac Gregg, and Moses F. Eaton, Pittsburgh, Her Advantageous Position and Great Resources, as a Manufacturing and Commercial City, Embraced in a Notice of Sale of Real Estate, Johnson & Stockton, Pittsburgh, 1845 (Google Books nrJs-DDEN1sC; Historic Pittsburgh 00afu7810m). [view source]mcgowin-1845
  5. George T. Fleming. "Thrilling days at Fort Pitt in 1776: Patriotic citizens of city frustrate evil designs of Connolly and Dunmore: Logan and his speech." Pittsburgh Gazette Times, May 23, 1915, sec. 5, p. 2. Newspapers.com 85758619. [view source]fleming-thrilling-days
  6. Ralph Brem. "Civic Arena's opening set for Sept. 17: Officials hopeful though new strike may slow work." Pittsburgh Press, July 16, 1961, sec. 3, p. 1. Newspapers.com 149078136. [view source]civic-arenas-opening
  7. Dennis B. Roddy. "City paves the way for Mario's place in history." Close Encounters. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, May 14, 1997, pp. A-1, A-6. Newspapers.com 91754606, 91754641. [view source]marios-place
  8. "Ordinance accepting a new street names in the City of Pittsburgh as per recommendation by the City of Pittsburgh Addressing Committee (CPAC). The following streets were approved by CPAC in June 2015: LOGAN STREET and FULLERTON STREET, between Centre Avenue and Bedford Avenue, in the 3rd Ward. The names listed in this ordinance shall be made official in accordance with the Pittsburgh Code, Title Four, Public Places and Property, Chapter 420 Uniform Street Naming and Addressing." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 2015, no. 34. Passed Sept. 15, 2015; approved Sept. 25, 2015. https://pittsburgh.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=2448432&GUID=C00CCF90-DE7E-45B8-A366-5FD4DD37E966. [view source]ordinance-2015-34