Woolslayer Way

From Pittsburgh Streets
(Redirected from Lee Alley)
Woolslayer Way
Neighborhoods Bloomfield, Lower Lawrenceville
Origin of name Woolslayer family, including William Woolslayer
Lee Alley (until ca. 1865)
Portion Between Fisk Street and Main Street
Origin of name Rev. R. Lee
Woolslair Alley (until ca. 1870)
Portion Between about 39th Street and 40th Street
Origin of name John Woolslair
Woolslayer Alley (ca. 1870 – 1914)
Origin of name Woolslayer family, including William Woolslayer

Woolslayer Way is named for the Woolslayer family, early landowners in the area. Annie Clark Miller and Bob Regan connect the name specifically to William Woolslayer,[1][2] who laid out the original plan of lots for Bloomfield in 1850,[3] as shown in the 1852 map of R. E. McGowin.[4]

A short piece of this alley, between about modern 37th Street and 39th Street, appears in McGowin's map, labeled just "Alley."[4] The segment from modern Fisk Street to Main Street was laid out as Lee Alley in 1855 by William Woolslayer;[5] it was named for Rev. R. Lee, who owned a piece of property on the east side of Main Street.[4][5] By the late 1860s the alley had become known as Woolslair Alley (an alternative spelling of the family name): it appears in an 1868 plan of lots by A. W. Ewing[6], an 1869 plan by John Woolslair,[7] and an 1871 plan by Samuel Woolslair.[8] By 1872 the whole length of the alley west of Main Street had been laid out and named Woolslayer Alley.[9]

An 1881 city ordinance that established the names of all thoroughfares in Pittsburgh officially named it Woolslayers Alley,[10] though it was typically called "Woolslayer Alley" without the final S. A similar ordinance in 1910 dropped the S but officially named it Woolslayer Street, probably by mistake;[11] subsequent ordinances continued to call it "Woolslayer Alley."

Woolslayer Alley became Woolslayer Way in 1914, when a city ordinance changed all alleys in Pittsburgh to ways.[12]


  1. Annie Clark Miller. Early Land Marks and Names of Old Pittsburgh: An Address Delivered Before the Pittsburgh Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution at Carnegie Institute, Nov. 30, 1923, p. 33. Pittsburgh Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution, 1924. Historic Pittsburgh 00awn8211m; Internet Archive earlylandmarksna00mill. [view source]miller
  2. Bob Regan. The Names of Pittsburgh: How the City, Neighborhoods, Streets, Parks and More Got Their Names, p. 75. The Local History Company, Pittsburgh, 2009, ISBN 978-0-9770429-7-5. [view source]regan
  3. "Plan of Bloomfield laid off for William Woolslayer." Laid out Oct. 1850 and Dec. 1855; recorded July 14, 1869, Plan Book 3, p. 298. Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds 3778745. [view source]bloomfield-woolslayer-plan
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 R. E. McGowin. Map of the Cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny and of the Boroughs of South-Pittsburgh, Birmingham, East-Birmingham, Lawrenceville, Duquesne & Manchester etc. Schuchman & Haunlein, Pittsburgh, 1852. https://collections.lib.uwm.edu/digital/collection/agdm/id/32269. [view source]mcgowin-1852
  5. 5.0 5.1 "Wm. Woolslayer's plan of Bloomfield." Laid out Oct. 1850 and Dec. 1855; recorded Mar. 11, 1874 and Apr. 14, 1874, Plan Book 5, pp. 238–239. Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds 3779228, 3779242. [view source]bloomfield-woolslayer-plan-2
  6. "Plan of building lots situated in the City of Pittsburgh laid out for Dr. A. W. Ewing and wife." Laid out Oct. 1, 1868; recorded Feb. 16, 1869, Plan Book 3, p. 277. Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds 3778725. [view source]aw-ewing-plan
  7. "Plan of building lots situate in the City of Pittsburgh: Made for John Woolslair." Laid out Mar. 1869; recorded July 20, 1870, Plan Book 4, pp. 38–39. Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds 3778810. [view source]john-woolslair-plan
  8. "Plan of the subdivision of Sam'l. Woolslair's property: Situate in the 16th Ward City of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania." Laid out May 20, 1871; recorded June 13, 1872, Plan Book 4, p. 223. Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds 3778990. [view source]saml-woolslair-plan
  9. Atlas of the Cities of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and the Adjoining Boroughs, pp. 54–55. G. M. Hopkins & Co., Philadelphia, 1872. http://historicpittsburgh.org/maps-hopkins/1872-atlas-pittsburgh-allegheny; 1872 layer at Pittsburgh Historic Maps (https://esriurl.com/pittsburgh). [view source]hopkins-1872
  10. "An ordinance establishing the names of avenues, streets, lanes and alleys of the City of Pittsburgh." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1880–1881, no. 33. Passed Feb. 28, 1881; approved Mar. 4, 1881. Ordinance Book 5, p. 212. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the Select and Common Councils of the City of Pittsburgh, for the Year 1880, pp. 213–234, Herald Printing Company, Pittsburgh, 1881 (Internet Archive pghmunicipalrecord1880). [view source]ordinance-1880-1881-33
  11. "An ordinance establishing the names of the avenues, streets, lanes and alleys in the City of Pittsburgh." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1909–1910, no. 716. Passed Mar. 31, 1910; approved Apr. 5, 1910. Ordinance Book 21, p. 359. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the [Select and Common Councils] of the City of Pittsburgh for the Years 1909–1910, appendix, pp. 328–381, Devine & Co., Pittsburgh, 1910 (Google Books doQzAQAAMAAJ; HathiTrust uiug.30112108223832; Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1909). Reprinted in the Pittsburgh Post, Apr. 29, 1910, pp. 12–16 (Newspapers.com 86616256, 86616285, 86616314, 86616333, 86616343), and Apr. 30, pp. 12–16 (Newspapers.com 86616643, 86616672, 86616694, 86616726, 86616748). [view source]ordinance-1909-1910-716
  12. "An ordinance changing the name 'alley' on every thoroughfare in the City of Pittsburgh to 'way.'" Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1914, no. 402. Passed Nov. 10, 1914; approved Nov. 16, 1914. Ordinance Book 26, p. 360. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the Council of the City of Pittsburgh for the Year 1914, appendix, p. 226, McClung Printing Co., Pittsburgh (HathiTrust uiug.30112108223899; Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1914). Reprinted in the Pittsburgh Post, Nov. 23, 1914, p. 11 (Newspapers.com 86505785), and Nov. 24, p. 12 (Newspapers.com 86505809). [view source]ordinance-1914-402