Blanco Way

From Pittsburgh Streets
(Redirected from Beech Alley (Blanco Way))
Blanco Way
Neighborhood Beltzhoover
Beech Alley (until 1907)

This alley was laid out in two plans of lots in 1890: the West Liberty Land Company's plan, which did not give it a name,[1] and John Richter's plan, which named it Beech Alley.[2] It became part of the Borough of Montooth when that borough was created in 1897.[3] In 1907, Montooth Borough was annexed by Pittsburgh,[4] and Beech Alley was renamed Blanco Way[5] to avoid confusion with Beach Avenue in Garfield (today Breesport Street).

See also


  1. "West Liberty Land Company's plan of lots, West Liberty Borough." Laid out Mar. 1890; recorded July 9, 1890, Plan Book 10, pp. 100–101. Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds 3780368. [view source]west-liberty-land-co-plan
  2. "John Richter's plan of lots, West Liberty Borough." Laid out July 1890; recorded July 19, 1890, Plan Book 10, p. 106. Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds 3780374. [view source]john-richter-plan
  3. Mark A. Connelly. "Montooth Borough 1897 Creation." Local Geohistory Project. [view source]lgeo-montooth-creation
  4. Mark A. Connelly. "Montooth Borough–Pittsburgh City 1907 Merger." Local Geohistory Project. [view source]lgeo-montooth-annexation
  5. "An ordinance changing and establishing the names of avenues, streets and alleys in the Forty-second ward of the city of Pittsburgh." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1907, no. 174. Passed July 22, 1907; approved Aug. 1, 1907. Ordinance Book 18, p. 510. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the [Select and Common Councils] of the City of Pittsburgh for the Year 1907, appendix, p. 80, Devine & Co., Pittsburgh, 1908 (HathiTrust chi.096598952). Reprinted in the Pittsburgh Gazette Times, Aug. 8, 1907, p. 7 ( 85923150), and Aug. 10, p. 3 ( 85923350). [view source]ordinance-1907-174